Monday, September 23, 2013

We are Ten Years Old!

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the Northeastern States HSP Group!

This actually makes the group both one of the oldest and one of the longest lived online regional groups for HSPs.

The idea behind creating the group was to offer a safe place for HSPs to discuss and share their experiences of being highly sensitive. To that end, we have succeeded.

What has been less successful is attracting members and keeping the group lively and active. On the whole, HSPs are just not a very talkative bunch, so the group has gone through long periods where there has been little or no interaction.

On this our 10th anniversary, the group has grown to some 65 members.

In recent weeks. our "home" host-- YahooGroups-- has rolled out a new format for groups hosting. Let's hope this will make it easier for people to use the group, and encourage more interaction!

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